I once promised my friend Keit from
Estonia to write at least one blog in English.
I know she checks this page occasionally just to look at the nice pictures I put here.
She wants me to write on this page in English but I do not think that would be very popular with my other readers.
However, this one is for Keit!
Now I have been living in Iceland for 2 months. My life in Sweden is getting more and more like a distant memory. Looking at the pictures from my time in Uppsala is like seeing pictures from a different person’s life. It is somehow as I was never even there.
It is extremely easy to get nostalgic about this time. All the pictures from different occasion in Uppsala where everybody were happy and having fun. It is easy to forget the anxiety that was also a part of this period. Getting panic attacks once in a while about for example the presentation I had to give about Law of the Sea (where me and Keit presented our topics at the same time) or the master thesis it self that was hanging over my head most of the time. The pictures do not show that. If you would only look at them, you would think that the Uppsala year was a constant bliss. In many ways, it was but sure it wasn’t always fun spending the day at Dag Hammarskjöld Library reading some theoretical articles.
I miss it all the same. I think it was the best year of my life and I guess it was for some of my fellow students as well. I hope we will all meet again one day.
Happy Eastern!
5 ummæli:
Salute to Anna! Finally something I could understand (besides the pictures) and such nice words as well! Thank you! I will reply longer in an email. At the moment I am busy doing my best to entertain Martina (greetings from her as well!!).
Take care!
Give my best to Martina, wish I could be there with you :)
Happy easter to you too!
Ohhh Anna er buin að vera netlaus svo lengi. Var farin að sakna bloggsins þíns. Var að færslurnar sem ég hef mist af. Þú ert snillingur vinan, tek undir allt sem þú segir (nema mér finnst meðferð þín á köngulóm heldur ómannúðleg)
Æðisleg mynd af ykkur:) Er í mat hjá Beggu og Ole. Fer annað kvöld, kyssi þig bless á morgun..
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